CCS Twister

CCS Twister

If you’ve been a CCS student or supported a student in their field placement, you might have come across the CCS program “placemats”. We use them in orientations to literally lay out the diaconal ministry training program.  The placemats are large laminated pages that say things like “Social Ministry Year” or “Learning Facilitator” or “External Courses (Theology)”, arrange on the floor to give people a visual sense of how the program works.

We’ve just put a PDF version of the CCS placemats on the website for anyone who needs to lead an orientation but doesn’t have easy access to the laminated placemats.    Having done that, we realized that you could also use the placemats for your own version of CCS Twister.  Simply lay out the program pieces, build yourself a spinner like the one below, and go to it!