Missing the Marc

Missing the Marc

From Principal Maylanne Maybee:

The big news of this week is announced below – Marc Desrosiers’ unexpected resignation effective August 3, 2012. He has been offered a position that will use and compensate his gifts and skills to the fullest.

His resignation is effective almost exactly one year to the day after I began as Principal at CCS. In the eighteen months he has been on staff at CCS, and the twelve months that he and I have been colleagues, Marc’s positive energy and optimistic spirit have done much to build support for the organization. He has become an effective member of the CCS staff team, he has endeared himself to our constituency of graduates, former students, and volunteers, and he has created a strong platform for the work of Development and Public Relations.

And of course, he has raised the bar for lively, regular communication with his bi-weekly production of Common Threads and its features: “All About You”, “From the Principal”, his summer ‘PAR’ registration drive… We’ll never forget how quickly he raised funds and paid for the staff fridges. Our students (and staff) are eternally grateful for the two Smart Boards from The Winnipeg Foundation, made possible by Marc’s initiative. And even as I write, the roof at 60 Maryland is being replaced thanks to Marc’s grant request to The Winnipeg Foundation.

Marc has promised to continue as a volunteer – joining the rest of our stellar company of volunteers – with the ongoing production of Common Threads and the planning for the 120th Anniversary, thus ensuring that we won’t lose momentum while we work at filling his position (though not his shoes!).

Marc, in a short time, you have made your “Marc” on CCS. Your energy, enthusiasm, productivity, and skills in fundraising, fun-raising, spirit-raising and people-raising, have been wonderful gifts to CCS at a time they were needed. We will miss you and wish you well in your future position.

In your own words… Bless you, Marc!